torsdag 24 maj 2012

New challenge at Crafty Ribbons

Hi everybody; at Crafty Ribbons it's time 
for Challenge 20.... For this challenge Tessa & Anke 
are hosting and would like to see..........

Easel Card

This challenge will run from 8.30am 
24th May until 6pm 6th June ......

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And I made this small easel card:

Du vill kanske också delta och vinna band? 
Nämligen dessa band:

Hoppa över till Crafty Ribbons Challenge Blog 
och länka ditt staffli-kort!

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La Vikinga

1 kommentar:

  1. Gorgeous card Charlotta :-) I love the folksy look of this, the paper is fabulous and the ribbon with sentiment is perfect :-)

    Lols x x x
