söndag 26 januari 2014

Sunshine makes me happy!


Here's a layout I made about my best memory 
from 2013 for a challenge at Helihak craft store.
Pictures are from Pontikonissi outside the
capital of the Greek island of Corfu. Near the
airport there is a path between Pontikonissi, 
on one side of the bay and Kanoni on the other. 
This is the place parents would take their
 kids to take a closer look at airplanes  
taking off or landing.

Papers and Decorations are all from Echo Park
collection Hello Summer. I love them! And I love

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Thanks for visiting my blog today!

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La Vikinga 

1 kommentar:

  1. Åh, den här talar till mej; jag älskar också solen! Härlig sida!!! Kramiz Kada
