måndag 7 april 2014

Project Life 2014 week 9

Blogging today for Creativica as well:

Week 9 is when school kids in Stockholm have
their holidays for sports. I don't work at school
nor do I have kids so I did no sports either. Here
is the spread for week 9:

But my friend Eve-Lina had some days off and
we met Monday to go and have a hot cup of
chocolate at a nice cafeteria in the Old Town 
called "The Chocolate Cup". After that we walked 
back and took some night pictures in the city 
centre of Stockholm. Left side:

Thursday I got "new" nails again; never tried a
zipper before so this was the first time! Friday I
went to Uppsala to work a couple of hours before
meeting with Greta for the first time. Greta is a 
16 year old exchange student from Germany,
and she was visiting Stockholm only today. So
we went eating some tacos at La Neta.  

Pink text next to the taco means "this is not a taco"
and refers to the difference between a real Mexican 
taco with a soft tortilla and this American style
imported taco that is commonly eaten in Sweden 
too. Anyway after eating some real Mexican tacos
we went taking some nice pictures of the view of
Stockholm by night. 

*** *** *** 

La Vikinga


1 kommentar:

  1. I can't tell you just how much I want your nails!! :D
    Fab pages
