söndag 5 april 2015

Pretty unique!

Finally I have started to work with more recent
pictures (even though I still have a lot to do to
finish 2014). In these two pages I have used 
pictures from a special, very beautiful park in
Miami. Until the month of May this year there
is a special, unique exposition by glass artist 
Dale Chihuli at the park. His art are inspired
by the landscpape and shapes in the nature
and they are SO BEAUTIFUL! Have a look:

I chose to have three main colours: green as in
the background and nature, blue as in the sky,
my clothes and some of the pieces of art and
yellow as in the inspiration page and colour at 
PLIN (PL in Norway). I used almost the entire
sheet of teeny alphas from Glitz.

When I made these two pages I had a theme
in mind; uniqueness. I got it from the Norwegian
Project life page that are celebrating their first
anniversary right now. There are 9 special
themes on their blog to be inspired by and I
think I have scrapped about something really
UNIQUE /UNIK! Read more about it all HERE
And please see Elizabeths' beautiful page. 

Other materials used: 
Becky Higgins blank coloured cardstock cards 
and Project Life Tropical Theme Cards,
doodlebug design tensy tyoe (alphas)
and sprinkles (glitter enamel dots), 
American Crafts Amy Tangerine remarks,
MME blues enamel shapes.

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Thanks for visiting!!

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La Vikinga

4 kommentarer:

  1. Lekkert og mange fine bilder på din PL side!
    Takk for at du deltar hos oss med jubileumsoppgaven. Hilsen DT Vibekke Project Life i Norge :)

  2. Herlige sider! Takk for bidraget :)

  3. Herlige fargerike sider :)
    Takk for at du deltar på jubileumsutfordringen vår :)

  4. utrolig flott, liker måten du tar igjen fargene i bildene på kortene :) Tusen takk for at du er med oss og feirer jubileumet vårt :) Lene
