onsdag 8 mars 2017

My first flip book

I got inspired by a girl in Australia who makes
amazing flip books and made this for Penelope:

Papers used to cover all pages are from Barefoot 
Bliss Collection by Bo Bunny, which fitted very well 
with the theme of the snail mail swap I participated
in themed Sea life. I also sent a picture of myself:

There are a lot of fish on the patterned papers
and also on the stickers in the collection. Here
I stuck a personal letter.

As a little gift; I put some washi tape on a tag
and stuck in a pocket.

There's one little pocket that actually is a bag
and I tucked som pocket cards in bright colours
in there and decorated it, but only a little!

And on the last page I placed a few pocket cards
with some sentiments in a matching pocket.

This masterpiece has now reached its' new
owner in Western Australia and I'm happy
it went all the way and through customs and all!

*** *** *** 
La Vikinga

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