torsdag 12 september 2013


What scrapbooking means to me? Happiness!!

This is my contribution to the second round
in European Scrap Battle: category LO.

Pictures are from AMYLORIBCN - the event 
when Amy Tangerine and Loredana Bucaria
came to Barcelona and we had two days of
workshops, happiness, crazyness etc. I made
several new friends, learned new tecniques,
had good food and spent a few days in a city
I love and that makes me happy; Barcelona.

Mi contribución a la segunda parte en la
competición European Scrap Battle. Nos pedían
hacer un LO con una sola palabra en el título y
que reflerjara lo que significaba el scrapbooking
para nosotros; para mi podrían ser varias cosas 
pero una palabra importante es: ALEGRÍA!

I morgon får vi se om rösterna räckte till
för att delta i tredje omgången... Tills dess
är jag glad att jag kom så här långt!

La Vikinga

2 kommentarer:

  1. Great LO, love the background :)

  2. Beautiful layout! I'm so glad you linked your blog up to the Moxie Fab World Blogroll. It will be great to stop by and say "hello" from time to time! :)
