söndag 8 september 2013

Tre slott - three castles

Gurvan ordon - tre slott (på mongoliska).

Three castles - two of them royal and
one not. That's the name of a simple
album I made for the parents of a friend.
They came to Europe for the first time
from Mongolia and were thrilled with Sweden!

First castle: Taxinge Slott ("kakslottet") - 
a beautiful (not royal) building that nowadays
is used as a cafeteria and can be rent for big
parties or weddings. Parents also wanted to
pose for a picture!

All pages are covered with American Crafts
papers from different collections, some of them
years old. I had double of some of them. 

At Taxinge there's a very special cafeteria 
with lots of choices; buns, cakes, tarts, bisquits 
etc. Of course we tried a few of them and 
weather was fine so we sat outside in the 
garden taking our tea and coffee!

After that we took a walk; there's an English 
garden, a French garden and an Italian garden! 
And we wet our feet in the lake but it was too 
chilly for taking a swim I can tell you! 

The parents liked being photographed! 

Next: the royal castle of Gripsholm Slott in the 
nearby small city of Mariefred. This castle was 
made with a lot of bricks and once there was a 
prision in the dungeouns. There's a big garden 
and lots of flowers around the castle.

Under some of the pictures there are small tags 
with some information about the castles in 
Mongolian language. I don't know the language, 
friend on the middle picture 
down on the right page helped me.

Then we headed towards Stockholm but took off 
before getting all the way to the city, waited for 
the car-ferry and went for a short visit to the 
royal castle of Drottningholm. That has been the
 home of the Swedish royal family since 1981.
King and Queen still live there, in the wing we 
see on our right side. All the rest of the palace 
is open for visitors.

Last picure down on the right has a flap and 
on the back of the flap is the picture you see 
down under. The cardstock is decorated with 
some washitape in a matching light blue colour. 

That's it folks! Thanks for watching!
I heard friends parent are happy with 
the album and takes it out to show their
relatives and visitors in Mongolia!!

*** *** *** 

La Vikinga

1 kommentar:

  1. It's gorgeous Charlotta! I bet your friends parents are showing everyone they know! :)
