My sweet followers:

lördag 1 januari 2011

Winter Joy # 3: The day efter tomorrow


Första gången jag åkte till New York så var det ett

snöoväder som folk inte hade varit med om tidigare.

Ja det var inte värre än det varit här i Sverige dessa

dagar men amerikanarna stängde skolorna och

stannade hemma från sina jobb... Dagen efter gick

jag ut och fotade i solen; detta är ett av fotona.

Ovan syns en av de tre dekorationerna jag gjorde

själv med utstansade cirklar som jag rev kanterna

på och fäste ihop med lite magic mesh och en brad.

De utstansade snöflingorna fäste jag med 3-D

kuddar och täckte med glitterlim för glittereffekt.

På min LO har jag även ett smalt band med snöflingor,

det kommer från The Ink Pad i New York fast det

har jag naturligtvis inte sparat sedan den resan!!!

Por fin un LO!!! Los papeles son de Bo Bunny y

una colección que se llama Winter Joy. La cinta

en la parte de arriba del LO que se parecen a muchos

flocos de nieve en una fila la compré en Nueva York

ahora que fui en noviembre. Las decoraciones

circulares las hice con círculos, un poco de magic

mesh y un brad en el medio.

... ... ...

La foto es de mi primer viaje a Nueva York en el

1996 más o menos. Había una tormenta de nieve

que asustaba a los americanos que no habían

prevenido ese clima, pero para un sueco es

bastante esperado y normal en el invierno. Los

gringos cerraban las escuelas y no iban a sus

trabajos, yo salí al día siguiente a sacar fotos

en el sol y ¡estaba lidísimo!

... ... ...

La Vikinga

49 kommentarer:

  1. Gott nytt år!!! Hoppas vi ses snart!!1

  2. Lovely page, great layout. Happy New Year
    Kevin xx

  3. Vilken härlig historia om amerikanernas ovana med snö! En snygg LO fick du dessutom gjort av det också!

  4. Un Lo muy bonito Charlotta !!!!!
    Y la foto....poca nieve comparado con Suecia ¿no?
    Feliz Año Nuevo!!!!!

  5. Love your LO!! not a scrapbooker myself but really would love to get into it!! One day!! I am here from the feling playful blog and am now a follower!! Look forward to seeing your creations in 2011!!

  6. Beautiful layout! I became a follower. Happy New Year.

  7. What a great layout, love the circles and the snowflakes!

  8. Beautiful LO. Just love these colors and the distressing! I stopped by from Feline Playful. Happy New Year!

  9. Me etoy riendo de tu reseña acabo de ir disque a la nieve .. vivo en el sur de california lo cual casi nunca sucede y hoy fuimos a la montaña y habia unos puntitos de nieve aun asi nos moriamos de frio jajajaa.. subi mi foto a facebook si quieres ver de la nieve que me refiero.. gracias por subir la foto a tu blog.. y ojala que puedas participar!!


  10. What a gorgeous Page.I am visiting from Feline Playful!Happy New

  11. I love this scrapbook layout its perfect.
    Shell xx
    Found you through Feline Playful so glad i did.

  12. Hiya, i came over from the Feline game. Lovely blog,im following and will have a proper look around when i have more time! xx

  13. Your cards and layouts are so pretty, loved "walking" through your blog!

    Happy New Year and a toast to a creative 2011!!

    Warm wishes, Renata

  14. What a fabulous layout!!

    I have come here through the Feline Friends and I'm so happy I did! Your work is awesome and very inspirational! Keep up the good work ... I'll be seeing you again soon!

  15. Such a beautiful layout and love the colour. We are the same in England. Not used to snow and just a few inches brings the whole country to a standstill lol. Came over from Feline and am now a follower. Hugs lin

  16. Great Blog, Happy New Year.

  17. Happy New Year!
    I follow now :)

  18. I found your blog throught the Feline Playful "give a comment, receive a comment" game. I hope you'll remember to stop by mine too!

    Happy New Year!


  19. Great layout! I'm looking forward to getting to know you. Found you on Karen's blog post "Give a comment, Get a comment". So I'm making my rounds. I hope you'll come visit me too. Happy New year!!

    Hugs - Jen

  20. beautiful layout. Love the colors. Thanks for sharing.

  21. So nice layout! Thanks for sharing. I am a follower now. I came via Feline Playful :)

  22. Wonderful! Love all the snowflakes.
    So pretty.

  23. Happy Crafting!! I could not find a translator on your blog, but hope you will be able to read this post!!

    I'm one of the new followers that found my way here from Feline Playful!!

    You have some amazing work and it's a pleasure to now be following your blog!!

    :) Lisa

  24. Hi! I am visiting from the Feline Playful give a comment - receive a comment event. I am now a follower! I wish you a Happy New Year filled with lots of crafting time. Love the scrapbook page!

  25. What a stunning layout. Those colors are just amazing. I'm looking forward to visiting you this year with Feline Friends. I hope you'll enter some of your beautiful work into the Catered Crop challenges.

  26. I found you through Felina Friends.
    You make lovely cards.
    hugs Tessa

  27. Hello Charlotta,
    I couldn't find a translator button so hope that you can read this. I have arrived here from Feline Playful and am now a follower of your blog.

  28. lovely layout! Happy new year! im here from feline playful!!! im now a follower, cant wait to see what 2011 creations you have!

  29. Happy New Year Charlotta from a new Feline Playful friend. This LO is absolutely gorgeous! I will be back! Hugs Faye. x

  30. Hi,
    Just popped over from feline playful lovely blog and your layout is wonderful...
    Mandy x

  31. Beautiful lollipop flowers and layout!
    I have come here through the Feline Friends, happy new year;-))m

  32. Fabulous layout, I love it! Found my way here through Feline Playful and am now following so will be back soon :o)
    Jenni x

  33. beautiful layout! I would love to see my photos on this page! I am a new follower thru Feline and I will be back often!

  34. Hi there,
    I'm a Feline follower !
    Love your LO !

  35. Beautifyl examples on your bog. I found your blog through Feline Playful and am now a follower. Happy New Year

  36. Beautiful layout! Thanks for the inspiration. I came through Feline Playful and am now a follower. Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  37. Looking forward to reading your blog more.. so much yumminess !
    Found your blog thro' Feline Playful, I am now following
    Happy New Year
    Hugs xx

  38. it is a very pretty LO.
    I found you through Feline Playful!!

  39. I love the colors of your layout. Very wintery. Great job. C2

  40. Great LO!! I really need to to more scrapbooking!!
    Glad to have found your blog thru Feline (already you've inspired me!) and hope 2011 is a great year for you!!

  41. Beautiful layouts... love the colors. I found your blog through Feline Playful and now becoming your follower. Happy New Year to you :)
    Hugs, Neeti

  42. LOVE the colors used for this layout! Beautiful job!


  43. Hi there, I'm another new follower from Feline Playful. Your layout is beautiful, great color combo, stitching and distressing.
